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Free Activities in NDG this October 🎃

"Autumn leaves don't fall, they fly. They take their time and wander on this, their only chance to soar." Delia Owens

The trees have begun changing into colors of red, orange and gold in spite of the hot weather these last couple of weeks. It's an odd way to begin the season, but we are making it work. At Women on the Rise, we've been launching many new projects and programs and we would love for you to join us!

New Groups to Join!

Stronger Together Conjugal Violence Support Group 🦋

At this support group, we collectively strive to uphold a safe(r), judgment-free space for support and discussion on a variety of topics related to conjugal violence such as the violence itself, trauma, resilience, and the process of recovery. This group will be hosted for 2-hour sessions on Monday nights (6:30 - 8:30 pm) at a wheelchair accessible location in NDG. Each week will alternate between a French session and an English session. For more information please call or email us.

Women Power Action Group ⚡

This club is for women and gender-diverse folks who want to make a difference! We will exchange ideas about current events and social concerns, and collectively build strategies to take on injustices we witness in our day to day lives. Hosted by our amazing facilitator Estefania Vargas, the group will be full of learning opportunities, guest speakers, and creative projects. New participants are always welcome! Childcare available with advance notice.

Dealing with Loss side-by-side

Death, divorce, illness and loss are topics that we unfortunately don't often get to discuss, despite how common they are. This month we're down to talk about it all, along with all the emotions and practical changes they cause:

Oct 11th- It’s Never Too Late To Plan Your Estate

Special guest Mary Pallett, a Pre-Arrangement Counselor from Kane & Fetterly, will answer questions like "what is estate planning?" "what is a will and why do I need one?" "what decisions have to be made so my family can be prepared for my death someday?" Many find these questions shocking and unpleasant to discuss but they are incredibly important, so we hope you will join us on Wednesday, Oct 11th, 1 – 3 pm at the Monkland Community Centre - 4410 West Hill Avenue, Montreal. This event is hosted in partnership with the Eva Marsden Centre for Social Justice and Aging.

Oct 12th- LICM Family Law Workshop (part 1): Divorce and Separation

The Legal Information Clinic of McGill (LICM) will be presenting the first of a 2-part presentation on Family Law. It will focus on rights and procedures for divorce or separation (especially for immigrants/refugees). The second part on November 9th will address what happens after divorce (child custody, alimony, child support, division of assets). The presentation will be given by Kasia, the Director of Community Services at the LICM. Join us in our centre at 1 pm on October 12th.

oct 19- Real Talk : Destigmatizing Homelessness

In the company of our facilitator Estefania, we are going to delve into the realities of homelessness in Montreal, including factors contributing to homelessness, ‘invisible homelessness’, women and homelessness, and what shelters are like. We will also talk about what people are doing about it! Join us in our centre at 1 pm on October 12th.

oct 24- Breast Cancer Sharing Circle

Join us as we come together at 1 pm in the Monkland Community Centre and create a sharing circle about experiences with breast cancer. Bring your stories for this interactive talk; light refreshments will be provided.

Oct 26th- Grief and Loss with Donna Gallup

We have all experienced loss in our lives: the loss of a loved one, a beloved pet, the loss of the country we love due to unexpected circumstances or the loss of a job, etc. Everyone has a unique way of grieving. We are inviting you to have an open discussion and share your process with us at our centre on Oct 26th from 1-3 pm. Donna Gallup, a former Board member and WOR facilitator, will be hosting.

oct 31st- Day of the Dead workshop with PAAL partageons le monde

Mexico’s most popular holiday is the Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead). According to tradition, those who have left the world come to visit us that day, and the living will set up altars to welcome them during their stay. Local organization PAAL will come to our centre at 1 pm to explain Day of the Dead traditions, as well as the traditional, historical, and decorative elements of the altar. We will talk about indigenous and Christian elements and their contemporary significance. At the end of the activity, we will share traditional "death bread" and make a small skull decorated in cardboard.

Office Closures in October

We will be closed on Fridays this month, as well as on Monday October 9th.

New offerings for you to choose from

Check out our program descriptions to find out more about the new activities we are offering this month!

Click below to download a PDF of our calendar. ⬇️


General Notes

  • COVID levels remain elevated in our province, and each subsequent infection increases risk of permanent health problems. We politely ask anyone experiencing symptoms to stay home. We always provide free masks at our centre.

  • All activities are free unless otherwise stated.

Women on the Rise's purple logo. A silhouette of a mother figure holding hands with two children is surrounded by a circle. Around the circle, "Women on the Rise" and "L'Envol des femmes" is enclosed inside a larger circle. end ID.

Registered charity number 863674263RR0001

6897 Somerled Avenue

Montreal, Quebec, Canada H4V 1V2

​​Tel: 514-485-7814


Opening Hours

Monday: 10 am - 3 pm

Tuesday: 12 pm - 3 pm

Wednesday: 10 am - 3 pm

Thursday: 10 am - 3 pm

Friday: 10 am - 1 pm (closed to the public)

Saturday: closed

Sunday: closed

Due to the nature of our programming, opening hours are subject to change without notice. Thank you for your understanding!


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Official logo of the city of Montreal.
Women and Gender Equality Canada, a Government of Canada program.
deuxieme recolte logo_edited.png

© 2023-2024 WOR

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