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This Women's Month, Support Your Local Women's Centre!

Our Annual Community Fundraiser has launched! Each year, throughout the month of March, we seek the support of our community to ensure adequate funds for our programs and services. This year is unique, in that all funds donated throughout the campaign will be allocated directly to our 2 conjugal violence support groups. These groups started in the fall of 2023, and it is clear to all that they have already become an essential services. As these groups have been funded solely through individual donations and discretionary funds, we recognize the need to spotlight this amazing initiative to our donors and potential donors, and secure the funds it needs for years to come.

What happens in in a conjugal violence support group?

The core objective of our group is to meet regularly and share experiences and insight related to living through coercive control, abuse, and/or violence by an intimate partner. Our values of mutual aid & peer support, validation of lived experience, non-judgement, diversity, and solidarity are all put into practice by our staff and participants. Our facilitators share theories of violence and abuse, and introduce healthy ways of coping with, processing and overcoming challenges related to a coercive relationship.

What costs are related to running these groups?

Our annual budget for our French and English groups combined is $10,000.

This cost includes:

  • A fair wage for our facilitator

  • On-site childcare supervision

  • Space rental and related security expenses

  • Materials and snacks

  • Administrative costs including referrals, follow ups and volunteer coordination

  • 2 STM tickets per session to all who need them

  • Snacks and warm drinks

  • Materials for supplementary activities such as holiday parties and celebrating important milestones

In celebration of Women's Month, and in solidarity with survivors of intimate partner violence, please consider making a donation before March 31! Donations can be made on our website, and cash and cheque donations can be received by mail or on site. We can provide tax receipts for all donations upon request.

Want to learn more? Contact us! 514-485-7814,

Thank you!


General Notes

  • COVID levels remain elevated in our province, and each subsequent infection increases risk of permanent health problems. We politely ask anyone experiencing symptoms to stay home. We always provide free masks at our centre.

  • All activities are free unless otherwise stated.

Women on the Rise's purple logo. A silhouette of a mother figure holding hands with two children is surrounded by a circle. Around the circle, "Women on the Rise" and "L'Envol des femmes" is enclosed inside a larger circle. end ID.

Registered charity number 863674263RR0001

6897 Somerled Avenue

Montreal, Quebec, Canada H4V 1V2

​​Tel: 514-485-7814


Opening Hours

Monday: 10 am - 3 pm

Tuesday: 12 pm - 3 pm

Wednesday: 10 am - 3 pm

Thursday: 10 am - 3 pm

Friday: 10 am - 1 pm (closed to the public)

Saturday: closed

Sunday: closed

Due to the nature of our programming, opening hours are subject to change without notice. Thank you for your understanding!


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Our online platforms
  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  • LinkedIn


Official logo of the city of Montreal.
Women and Gender Equality Canada, a Government of Canada program.
deuxieme recolte logo_edited.png

© 2023-2024 WOR

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