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Become a member!

Members are at the heart of Women on the Rise. By becoming a member, you are supporting the mission to ‘Help women to help themselves’. Being a member means you share our values of respect, self-determination, diversity, lived experience, peer support and inclusion.

benefits of being a member

Receive our calendar, regular updates, and special invitations​

Learn new skills and practice building supportive relationships in a cozy space

Give back to your community and support others

Vote at the Annual General Assembly and Special General Meetings​

Have the opportunity to participate on subcommittees throughout the year, including event planning

Make your commitment to Women on the Rise official!

Women Holding Hands

Responsibilities of members


Commit to upholding our Respect Policy and ensure that WOR remains a safer space for all.


Share your feedback, attend our Annual General Meeting (this is encouraged but not required) and find other ways to contribute your ideas.


Let us know if there are significant changes to your needs, family composition, or contact information.


Freely give and receive support. Be a guide to others, and let others be a guide to you.


Understand that resources are limited, and membership does not guarantee access to material items or other subsidies.

Frequently asked questions

Am I eligible to be a member?

Membership is for any self-identified woman or person of another marginalized gender who wants to be in community with others. You do not need to have a specific legal, financial, or family status to join.

How do I sign up to be a member?

It depends if you plan to vote in our Annual General Meeting or not. If you simply want to participate in activities then all you have to do is show up. 😄 However, if you want to participate in directing the priorities of the organization as it develops each year, then please contact the staff to get the membership form.

Is your organization only for women who are abused?

No! While we are here to support people who are going through abuse, it is not a requirement to join. We are here to be by your side while you go through transitions in life: discovering your passion, learning a new skill, becoming a parent, settling in a new city, navigating a career, ending a relationship, starting a relationship, going through menopause, retiring, the list goes on. We go through many big changes in our lives and we weren't meant to do it alone.

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